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  • Writer's pictureGabriel Giussani

AREOPA – Provoking Innovative Intelligence

Source: The AREOPA Group

AREOPA was founded in 1987, by Ludo Pyis

Ludo inspires to seal innovative concepts and practical approaches together. He worked for General Motors and Hewlett Packard, and he is visiting professor and guest speaker at several business schools and management institutes. He was consultant and advisor to first level companies such as Volkswagen, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Rabobank, Oracle, AT&T and many others. Today, he is one of the members of the High-Level Expert Group on Intellectual Capital, advising the European Commission on the establishment of guidelines and directions.

AREOPA’s Mission

Be the leading edge, knowledge and practice provider, in the main field of intellectual capital; delivering services through people, processes and technology; creating leverage for their alliances and “excelleration” (Excellence + Acceleration) in business performance for their common Customers.

AREOPA’s services

AREOPA’s services brought to market, include models, methodologies, tools and techniques.

AREOPA offers services in 4 different lines: Intellectual Capital Management & Intellectual Capital Accounting; Applied Knowledge Management; Implementation of Change Management; and Risk Assessment and Process Performance.

1. Intellectual Capital Management & Accounting

AREOPA has developed a model for identifying and quantifying intangibles as components of Intellectual Capital (IC). This model serves to evaluate a company’s return on all the capital it employs, helping to explain the difference between book and market value.

2. Applied Knowledge Management

AREOPA has a proven methodology to manage the knowledge of a Company. After identifying it, and making an inventory of the available knowledge; it has to be stored and make it reusable.

3. Change Management

AREOPA delivers training, methodologies and tools, advice and implementation services for any type of organization or institute, undergoing change in any of its core competencies, organizational and operational environment, including mergers & acquisitions, restructuring, downsizing, IPO placement, growth, etc.

4. Risk Assessment and Process Performance

Processes must be continuously improved and renewed and the cost of poor performance must be controlled. For doing this, AREOPA offers tools that help identify the costs attributable to delays, errors, wastage, and inefficiency, which reduces the value of the process.

One remarkable fact is that about 80% of the data for all the audits done in a Company come from the same sources AREOPA uses. But the interpretation of the collected data is different.

In that sense, AREOPA is a unique organization in the World.

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