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Talleres y Cursos
Otros Servicios
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On many occasions, an external look at the Company allows you to gain perspective. In addition, to take into account factors that are usually taken for granted, but with the dizzying dynamics of the market, they may have changed.


On the other hand, this external gaze can generate new approaches and different ways of seeing and doing things. In other words, it allows facilitating innovation processes.

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Many times, Education (Courses) is requested when, in fact, Training (Workshops and Follow-up) is more important.


Education offers knowledge and ways to apply it. While Training offers practices in this regard. ​


For most interventions, a combination of both is usually required.

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In addition to Consulting, Courses and Workshops, the following services are also offered:

  • Follow up, both to facilitate training and to monitor progress;

  • Participation in Boards of Directors, as an external member;

  • Specific interventions or advices, to have an external view without long commitments;

  • Planning, to support agile processes and immediate application

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Developing a winning strategy is critical to the next steps. To achieve this, the current situation of both the company and the environment must be fully evaluated; decide what you want to achieve; and outline the strategy to achieve it. ​


The strategies can be long-term or short-term, depending on the needs of the Company. ​


Based on a certain strategy, an action plan must be developed, determining specific activities and tasks, with those responsible and the start and end dates. ​​


It is the follow-up of this action plan that allows the expected results to be achieved.

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Innovation is identifying and implementing new ways of doing the same thing; or new things that can be done, that complement the activities of the Company. ​


For this, it is necessary to question what is done and how it is done, with a critical sense. This demands a significant mental exercise, and therefore, work with people is usually required, so that they develop that fresh look, moving away from the current way of doing things and from the services and products that the Company currently offers. ​


It can be approached from different angles, where the most appropriate will be the one that best suits the Company, and its general strategy.

Capital Intelectual
Otros Temas
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Intellectual Capital are all the resources that generate invisible or intangible sources of competitive advantages (and, therefore, generate money flows) to Companies. ​


It is the sum of Information, Knowledge, Know-How, Experience and Expertise, which adds value to Companies or their activities. ​


The usual difficulty is that many of these intangible assets are in the heads of people within the Company, and few (or relatively few) of them are documented according to what actually happens. ​


This means that the departure of some collaborator(s) creates gaps and may affect, to a greater or lesser degree, the way in which the Company operates. ​


To address this type of problem, we work in partnership with the company AREOPA, based in Belgium, with operations around the world, specializing in Knowledge Management.



In addition to the topics in the other sections, it can also be supported by the following topics:


  • Commercial (Sales, Marketing, New Products or Services): supporting the improvement of sales results; taking care of the Customer experience; reviewing the portfolio of products/services; supporting the launch of new products/services; adjusting go-to-market strategies; and other related activities. ​​


  • Human Capital: helping to detect or manage friction between people; collaborating in generating a better working environment; supporting the formation of high performance teams; and other needs of the area.


  • Succession in family businesses: accompanying the processes; ensuring that agreed management is documented; facilitating understanding between parties; and other possible points of support, at the beginning and throughout the process.

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